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allevamento dei lupercali

Come siamo

(tratto dallo standard ufficiale E.N.C.I. / F.C.I. n.194)

On the whole seen from the front and in profile the FORE LEGS are straight... they are well proportioned in relation to the size of the dog.
The SHOULDER is well constructed and massive. Its has obliqueness below the horizontal is of 45 of 55 degrees.Muscles must always be well developed. UPPER ARM Must be well muscled with strong bone construction. ...FEET have oval shaped (hare foot) and strong nails, curved and well pigmented. Tough pads of a dark colour.
HIND LEGS: on the whole, the hindquarters relate well to the size of the dog. LIMBS straight, as much in profile as seen from behind.
UPPER THIGH: Long, wide, well muscled with a rear profile slightly convex The Legs (SECOND THIGH) have robust bone structure and lean muscle , the groove in the muscle is well marked ...Feet have all the same characteristics of the fore feet.

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