(tratto dallo standard ufficiale E.N.C.I. / F.C.I. n.194)
The skull and muzzle are of equal length and parallel, thus making the head seem large. The skin must not be thick, but close fitting without forming wrinkles.
The ‘STOP’ (frontal-nasal depression) is well adjusted with a truncated rather than pointed muzzle.(DISQUALIFYING FAULTS: Total depigmentation of nose. Muzzle (foreface) definitely convex (roman nose) or concave).
TEETH: White, complete and well developed dentition; incisors in regular alignement. Scissor bite. (DISQUALIFYING FAULTS: Jaws : upper prognathism (undershot mouth).
EYES: Large; iris is of a more or less chestnut colour depending on the colour of the coat. Their expression is soft, serene and attentive. (DISQUALIFYING FAULTS: Total bilateral depigmentation of the eyelids. Wall-eyed (even one eye)).
EARS: Set high, semi-drooping I.E. the last two-thirds of the lobe are drooping. When the dog is attentive, the ear lifts slightly at its base. Triangular shape.
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