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allevamento dei lupercali

Chi siamo

“Lupercali” was a Roman feast day, celebrated on the 15th February , in honour of Lupercus, the God who protected flocks of sheep and goats from wolves. It is possible that the ancient shepherds living in the Italian Alps and Prealp mountains had dogs similar to the “CANE DA PASTORE BERGAMASCO”(BERGAMASCO SHEPHERD DOG). It was due to these reasons that the kennel name “DEI LUPERCALI” was conceived and then officially awarded to us by the ENCI in 1954.

When she found the breed in 1950 she decided along with her husband Arch. Carnelli to get their first “Bergamasco” Diana and also to contact important supporters of the breed. Marchese Cornaggia Medici was one of these, who worked passionately to maintain the modern standard and to avoid the dog’s extinction due to cross-breeding.

From this beginning a great passion for the breed was born. The first litter arrived in 1953 by Laurin and Riu, and with it Carla’s reputation began as a breeder of BERGAMASCO SHEPHERD DOGS.
The breeders ( Dott. Aliprandi kennel “della Vernella”, sig.Rota, kennel “di Valle Imagna” and sig.Bramani kennel “del Brembo”) inspired and motivated Carla, but it was thanks to the judges ( Prof Solaro, Dott.Pesce, Conte Bosatra, sig.Gatto, sig.Ciceri, sig.ra Violi e Cav.Tavazzani ) that she was ‘forced’ to ensure a reliable and upright breeding program.

Laurin was the first dog that Carla showed and he achieved a ‘Very Good’ qualification. Although Laurin was penalized by the spurs on his hind leg it was anyway a considerable result, as in the fifties years the rating was expressed after a severe and literal interpretation of the standard. The first Italian champion was Karis dei Lupercali, and a lot of other winners followed including Pantula dei Lupercali, Camundi dei Lupercali, Lupercus dei Lupercali and Foe dei Lupercali , to name a few among the many title winners. In the meantime, Lele Mariani joined with Carla in her passion for the Bergamasco, and now the breeding program benefits from their joint experience and collaboration.

An initial solid foundation combined with self-criticism has brought us to our 9th generation of Lupercali mother line today. We have included lines from other kennels “Di Valle Imagna”, “Dell’Idro”, “del Grigiastro” as well as non-kennel names like Taratami (Mr Villa), Colette (Mr and Mrs. Pansera) and Avia (Mr Burini) who have made important contributions.
Thanks to all the afore-mentioned , our “puppies” gave and still give us great satisfaction as well as important results. This wonderful passion has created the perfect opportunity to meet a lot of interesting people and founder new friendships with whom we want to thank very much for their support.

Via Mondella, 17 - IT - 22073 Fino Mornasco (Como) - tel +39.031.928092 / 564621 - fax +39.031.564631
Riconosciuto nel 1954 dall’E.N.C.I e DALL’F.C.I - iscritto alla CCIAA di Como con P.IVA 01150850137

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